Friday, August 17, 2012

Top 10 Relaxation Techniques

“Stress is an ignorant state.  It believes that everything is an emergency.” 
~Natalie Goldberg, Wild Mind

If you’re like me and get very stressed out, here are some ways to help you reduce the stress and find relaxation. Some stress might be good because it helps motivate people to actually get work done, but too much stress can be very damaging to your body. In my case, practicing the following techniques could help keep me around longer.

1.       Meditate!
Do activities that will keep your attention calm such as; walking, swimming, painting, knitting, etc. Do this activity for at least 5-10 minutes a day.

2.       Picture Yourself Relaxed
Imagine something or somewhere that evokes calm thoughts and distracts you from the chaos that is causing stress. This can be anything from imagining a cozy robe, lying in bed, being on vacation. Anything that is peaceful.

3.       Breathe Deeply
When your body in under stress, it causes your breathing to get tense and shallow. So change it by taking a deep breath and exhale slowly. Repeat 10 times allowing yourself to relax more and more with each breath.

4.       Look Around You
Practice focusing on one task at a time. For example, if you are outside focus on the clouds, the flowers, or little things. If you try focusing your attention on one task at a time instead of multiple things then you will be able to prevent stress from building up.

5.       Drink Hot Tea
So, I know people are hooked on their coffee, but coffee raises levels of the notorious stress hormone, and cortisol. Green tea, however, offers health and beauty. It’s not horrible guys just give it a try.

6.       Show Some Love
Little actions like cuddling with your pet, giving an unexpected hug to family or friends, snuggling with a spouse, or talking to a friend about good things in their lives are all amazing and simple ways to lower stress. Hugs are great!  

7.       Try Self Massage
Follow these steps if you have no time to have a pro give you a massage and you feel tense.
1.       Place both hands on your shoulders and neck.
2.       Squeeze with your fingers and palms.
3.       Rub vigorously, keeping shoulders relaxed.
4.       Wrap one hand around the other forearm.
5.       Squeeze the muscles with thumb and fingers.
6.       Move up and down from your elbow to fingertips and back again.
7.       Repeat with other arm.

8.       Take Time Out
I know this isn’t kindergarten, but taking a time out for yourself can be beneficial in reducing stress.  Just go off for a bit and have some alone time. Often having other people around can cause more stress than necessary. Like my mom says when she goes missing for long hours after work, “sometimes I need to runaway”.

9.       Take a Musical Detour
Okay, I know most people my age are not major fans of classical music, but want to know something? Listening to at least 30 minutes of classical music can create calming effects equivalent to 10mg of Valium!

10.   Take an Attitude Break
It only takes 30 seconds to change your attitude to a positive one. I am guilty of being stubborn, but it’s true. Just try a little optimism; it might just shock you how much better you will feel.


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