Thursday, August 9, 2012

Smile :)

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." - Leo Buscaglia

So now you know a little bit about my struggles, but you know what like I said before life is not easy. I could  go on everyday pouting and crying over all the bad things that I've been through and the stuff I'm dealing with now but there's no point. I AM ALIVE. That is it! I can complain all I want but in the end I am still alive. I am a strong person because of the fact that I can still face everyday with a smile :) I have a great family that makes me laugh because of how dysfunctional we are. I have friends that don't judge me for being random. I am lucky for all the good things I have. I am a college student, a sister, a daughter, and an overall good person. 

People might want to feel sorry for me but I will say this; DON'T. Just be a good person. Don't judge people because you don't know what they might be hiding behind their smile. Be a friend. Be there for people. Ask them about their day. Take the time to care about others. Even if it is just a simple hug hello (which I love), it can make a major difference in someone's day. Don't let someone feel forgotten.  

To everyone who has been reading my posts, I'd like to say thank you because you care about what I have to say, even if it's just a nosy curiosity. 

Smile :)

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