Saturday, August 11, 2012

Live Everyday to the Fullest

"In the end, it's not going to how many breathes you took, but how many moments took your breathe away" -Shing Xiong

So this summer has been a little crazy in the whole "you're dying" sense, but my sisters have been there to make sure I didn't stay home and be lame. Being able to actually go out and dance and have fun has been amazing. I felt kind of lame at first since I wasn't allowed to drink heavy liquor or whatever but it didn't matter. I proved to them that I could be just as fun sober. 

Let's just say the first night we went out I got a little hot and took my shirt off and danced on a table with my sisters...but I don't regret it one bit.

I've had fun just forgetting that I'm not in the best health because I know that sitting at home will basically feel like death.

I could go into all the crazy details about what else I've done but it might be a bit much. Anyways despite what doctors say or how crappy you feel at the moment, don't forget to go out and have fun. Do something crazy :)

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