Sunday, August 19, 2012

Embracing Inner Strength

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you do. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

As I count down the days to my road to getting healthy, I remind myself how important it is to find my own inner strength. This past weekend, I found out a lot about myself as a person and a young woman. In just two days, I dealt with a small heartbreak, a brush with the law and a major workout. 

I am a person with a huge heart and very guilty of falling too hard for people. But what I have realized is that life is way too short to put up a brick wall and shut people out. The reason it seems like I fall fast is because the moment you enter my life, you enter my heart in the way that I will always care for you. It honestly does not matter if I dislike you. If you are in trouble, I will be there for you. 

Many people find this as a weakness, but you know what? I am extremely strong. It takes a strong person to allow themselves to be vulnerable towards others. Because with that vulnerability there is always a chance for pain. I could be a coward and keep myself closed off from others and hate the world but that would just hurt me not anyone else. 

This weekend reminded me how far a smiling face and friendly personality could get it; in addition to the benefits of being single for awhile. I never really understood what my godfather meant when he said that my beauty and intelligence is a powerful thing and it could get me anything. For one, I never thought I was that beautiful because of how ugly people made me feel. However, this weekend when my friends and I almost got arrested for some minor illegal actions, I remained calm and handled the situation in a mature manner. To the point that they let us off with a warning and allowed us to continue with a great night. 

Another important thing I learned about myself is that I am no longer putting up with people that are draining for me to be around. I will turn you down if I do not like you, I will probably say something that you disagree with, but I am no longer apologizing for being myself. If you do not like what you hear or what I do then you might as well keep your distance.

Let's just say this weekend was a big, much needed, confidence boost.

Life always throws random/crazy situations at us, but it is up to us to find the inner strength and maturity needed to face life and say, "Is that the best you've got?"

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