Monday, August 27, 2012

Honesty Hour

“We mistakenly assume that if our partners love us they will react and behave in certain ways-the ways we react and behave when we love someone.” –John Gray

Holding hands, late night talks, early morning greetings, kissing, laughing, joking, sharing, being friends, everything. When does this turn to screaming, crying, hurting, fighting? It’s all a mystery.

Lately I have dealt with many examples of unfairness in relationships; whether they are between someone and their partner or among friends. I usually try to be somewhat proper in my post but due to the proximity of this topic to my personal life, just excuse my emotional ranting.

I would like to address a few problems I have in terms of the way relationships function nowadays.

Social Media

I am of course guilty of being hooked on the drama that appears on social media sites, however, some people still have not realized that everything they say or do is going to get out. It honestly does not matter if a person keeps some of their posts private. PEOPLE TALK! Whatever you do, people will find out. Scary isn’t it? Well that is the point I am trying to make in regards to relationships and friendships. A person cannot truly believe that they can get away with doing shady or mistrustful actions and the other person not finding out. In today’s world, most people have multiple friends in common. As much as you want to believe that all your friends are there to keep your secrets, there is always one person that says something to someone else. That goes on and on until it eventually reaches the person you were deceiving. So word of advice, just let that person know if you want something else out of the friendship or relationship. Whether it means you do not want that person around or you are ready to move on with someone else.

Misleading Actions

The hardest part about talking to someone new is figuring out where you stand with them. That is because the lines can get so blurry. I used to believe that if someone was looking for a meaningless fling, then they would not put in a lot of effort forming a friendship with the other person. I guess I was mistaken.  Why act like you are more than friends with someone, if you are just going to cut them out completely the moment other people make comments? I can only assume insecurity or guilty conscience.  


Honesty does not seem to exist anymore. Question for my readers: if a person is already seeing someone, why would they cheat? There is no point. Like the quote says, “DON’T CHEAT. If you’re not happy just leave.” The longer you keep it up, the more complicated everything gets. More feelings get involved and you end up hurting people that you supposedly care about. How do you know that the person you are cheating with wants to be involved? If they do, then you might as well be with them instead of hurting the person you are actually dating.

Overall, what I am trying to say is that I think people truly need to think about what they want. No one wants to get their heart played with. 

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