Thursday, May 22, 2014


Life is an improvisation. You have no idea what’s going to happen next and you are mostly just making things up as you go along.

On May 16, 2014, my whole college experience came to an end. After all of the craziness that I had experienced in four years, I could not believe that the day finally came. You know the graduation speech that has been circulating around the internet?

Yeah that's the one! Well honestly there is so much more that should be added. For instance, what about Starbucks and Red bull that got a lot of my peers through those late night study sessions. Or the copious amount of alcohol that helped a lot of students forget the causes of their stress. And let us not forget those friends that we made that put up with us during those high stressed finals weeks. We all know those weeks because we pictured attacking our friends multiple times when they interrupted or studying. 

What I am trying to get at is that the road to graduation is not an easy one. However, it is not impossible either. I overcame the loss of family members, terminal illness, radiation, heartbreak, the end of friendships and homelessness just for that magical sheet of paper that says I am educated. 

This experience has taught me that I am stronger than I give myself credit and that you must always cherish the people in your life. I may not know where life is going to take me after this, but I do know that I do not have to worry about being alone. I have gained a network that is greater than I can imagine because I came out of my shell. The main message I would like to share in this post is that you should never let life keep you down. Yes, things get tough and you will feel like the world is against you. But the best revenge is showing that you should not be underestimated. 

For those of you that are preparing for college or those that just graduated, congratulations! You have just completed another chapter of your life but that does not mean it is the end of your book. Keep adding to your story and do not be afraid to share it! We get lost in thinking that no one understands our struggles but in reality we are not alone. So go out! Share. Live. Dance. Sing. Seek adventures. They are all introductions to something amazing.

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