Thursday, May 22, 2014

ABC's of Summer Bucket List

If it could only be like this always — always summer, always alone, the fruit always ripe... ~Evelyn Waugh

Now that I have gained my diploma, I am determined to enjoy my summer. So below I have created a silly bucket list of things to accomplish this summer. Many of them are really simple to do.

A- Act out a scene from favorite movie in public.
B- Head to a beach and have a bonfire.
C- Create a friendship crest.
D- Learn a fun dance routine to show off to your friends.
Single Ladies routine ;)
E- Eat at a new restaurant.
F- Make fake character personalities and use them at the bars.
G- Game of Thrones marathon.
H- Learn Parent Trap handshake.
I- Invent a summer cocktail.
J- Get a job.
K- Kiss a stranger.
L- Make homemade lemonade.
M- Have a musical movie marathon!
N- Get nails done.
O- Try online dating and actually go on a date.
P- Throw a big summer party.
Q- Quit stressing small issues.
R- Go on a road trip with friends.
S- Pick a summertime anthem.
T- Travel! Even if it is just to a new city.
U- Buy a cheap ukulele and learn a tune.
V- Volunteer somewhere.
W- Create a workout routine and stick to it :)
X- Create a new language with the letter x in every word.
Y- Do yoga!
Z- Take a zumba class for fun.

1 comment:

  1. If you'd like an alternative to randomly approaching girls and trying to find out the right thing to do...

    If you'd prefer to have women hit on YOU, instead of spending your nights prowling around in crowded pubs and restaurants...

    Then I encourage you to view this short video to discover a strong secret that has the potential to get you your personal harem of beautiful women:

