Friday, January 24, 2014

The Future

"The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny."- Albert Ellis

So what are you doing after you graduate?

This is the question that has been haunting me for the past few months. Here's the thing, I honestly have no idea. You spend your whole life imagining what you want your life to be like; this fantasy life. I thought I had everything "planned" out, but life got in the way. I always was into school because I thought that's what people expected from me. I had other things I liked to do but I never pursued them because I felt like people would say I'm wasting my time. Now only four months away from getting my college diploma, I've realized how much time I wasted trying to please everyone. It's okay not to have a full detailed plan about what you want to do in the "future" because you really never know what could happen.

To all my peers that have found the things they love; continue to follow your dreams and see where they lead you. People may come along to tell you that you're wasting your time, but do what you want. And if a day comes and you no longer want the same things; that's okay too. 

I've had a lot of unexpected things occur on my path to the future. So instead of asking me about my future plans, why don't people ask about my present? That's pretty interesting too. 

The future can be pretty intimidating and I'm not afraid to admit it, so what's the rush?

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