Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Realities of Life After College

"You have a college degree why are you applying here? 
Is it that bad out there?"

              It has been awhile since my last post and I do not want this to be another woe is me kind of rant. So bare with me on the negative stuff because there are some amazing positives that have occurred since graduating from college. The biggest hurdle I have had to face has been finding a job. Like many people, I searched for hours. I browsed craigslist, multiple search engines, and handed my resume out to anyone hiring. After awhile my standards were definitely low. It is really hard to maintain self-esteem when you get denied or worst completely dismissed. I mean why else do we work so hard to get a college degree? I know it would appear egotistical to just assume that I would get hired based on my degree, but why not think highly of myself? Sometimes you have to be your biggest fan.

Partner In Crime

             During my months of struggling and living at home with my parents, I found someone who taught me a lot about persistence. Even though being your biggest fan is important, it is nice to have support. My current boyfriend attempted to court me for six months before I gave him a chance. At the time, my main goal was to focus on graduating with my degree; which left no time (in my mind) for anything serious. After we met, it was clear that this was the start of a great partnership. I found someone who was talented, driven, and respectful. I finally started to realize that I am capable of doing more with my life. That it is okay to change your goals as long as you stay focused and happy. The key point was to be happy. When you are not happy every one can read that and in most cases people avoid that vibe. I learned that I could cook, that I am a very supportive person and that driving is not as scary as I always thought. (Side note: I am 22 and have struggled with getting behind the wheel for years.) I learned that if I keep pushing myself, then eventually someone will give me a shot. And because of his encouragement I did not give up. I was finally employed after six months of being out of school.

Getting A Job

             My first job out of college was a retail job in a mall. I was brought on as a seasonal employee and worked with amazing people. I loved everything about it but near the end of my term I just had this pit in my stomach. I knew that the job search was about to start again and that my brief months of stability were coming to an end. But I have learned something from this. Life is all about beginnings and endings. This experience reminded me that I am a great employee and that I love being involved in something. So here I am again. Starting over. But I am not discouraged. To anyone reading this, I know looking for a job or moving on from something can be difficult. However, this is a great opportunity to think about what you truly want out of life.

Thanks again for reading my rants,

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