Wednesday, December 19, 2012

New Hobby Before Leaving for Europe

          I used to be a behind the scenes observer afraid to show off my silly quirks until I surrounded myself with amazing people. The main people in my life who inspire me are my best friend and my boyfriend. My best friend has been there for everything I have been through and no matter what I know she has my back. She is a talented person who is very goal driven. Whenever something new happens to her I cannot help but be excited because if she can push herself against the odds then so can I. After my procedure I realized that she was one of the main people I wanted to see because I knew my health actually meant something to her. The other person, my amazing boyfriend, has also been an inspiring person because he is just as driven. A real life Robin Hood and Romeo wrapped in one. While I am home on winter break he is off with his family and even though I am away from my friends they still push me to tap into things I love to do.
  So what does any of this have to do with my new hobby? 
          I have always loved to sing. And this is something I have only expressed to a few people. The two people I mentioned earlier know this little fact about me and are constantly trying to get me to share it. So I decided, "Why not put videos of myself on YouTube? I mean that's what everyone else does, right?" Well I started to do this and now it's become something keeping me sane while my friends are away. I know I am not a superstar and this is definitely not to be famous. But just like my blog entries, it has become an outlet for self expression. So if you click on my title you can see what I have been up to. Hopefully it will inspire you to do something that you did not think you could do. I mean I am one of millions to post on YouTube so I said why be scared? I leave the country in 18 days, why not do something silly until I leave?

Here's one of the videos: